sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

Relógio Parede Reguladora Modelo Timor Reparação

Movimento para 8 dias
com horas e meias horas

Sem cimanha

Etiqueta de fabricante exemplar Nº234

Data de reparação manuscrita 11/4/918 
Preço 15$50 

segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015

Mostrador de Relógio Inglês com Calendário



 Pormenor do calendário
 e assinatura do construtor

Traseira onde funciona calendário
 e sistema de silêncio

 Roda do calendário

Sistema de silêncio


sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015

Relógio Calendário Americano THE E. INGRAHM COMPANY

 Calendário americano

Relógio americano em forma de 8, de calendário com indicação 
do mês, dia do mês e dia de semana.

Movimento do relógio

Mostrador do calendário

Sistema de comando e  informação
para dia de mês e mês.

1885 - The E. Ingraham Company

Instruções calendário

 Elias Ingraham formed a number of different business partnerships during his years as a clockmaker. All the ventures incorporated the Ingraham name but there were a number of variations used during different time periods. This fact can help you date an Ingraham clock, usually to within a few years of its manufacture.

First check the back of the movement for a stamped name. If you don't find it on the back, you may have to remove the movement from the case so that you can check the front plate for a stamp.

Below are the different business names and the dates used:

    1844 - Brewster & Ingrahams: a partnership between Elias Ingraham, his brother Andrew, and Elisha Curtis Brewster.
    1852 - E. & A. Ingrahams Company
    1857 - Elias Ingraham and Company
    1861 - E. Ingraham & Company
    1881 - The E. Ingraham & Company
    1885 - The E. Ingraham Company

You can also check the movement for a set of numbers stamped on the front plate. The first one or two digits identifies the month the clock was made. The second two digits tell you the year the clock was made. For instance, if you find "2 75", it would mean the movement was made in February, 1875. If you fin "11 03" it means the clock was made in December of 1903. And so on.